きかんしゃトーマス/あつ森/ハム太郎Wiki - お月様は知っている
英米名I Know How the Moon Must Feel
作曲・作詞Hummie Mann&br;Don Black
歌唱Dayna Manning
日本語版歌詞お月さまなら 空で笑ってる&br;人間たちの いそがしい日々&br;ふしぎな事に 気付かず過ごす&br;魔法を わすれて&br;&br;お月さまでも うれしいはずよ&br;すてきな笑顔 あえた時は&br;こころがはずみ ほほ笑み返す&br;ふしぎな 魔法
英語版歌詞(劇中版)I know how the moon must feel &br;Looking down from the heavens &br;Smiling at the silly things &br;We put ourselves through &br;Missing magic each day &br;and not seeing the wonder &br;That's how the moon must feel &br;&br;I know how the moon must feel &br;When he makes someone happy. &br;That's the feeling I will feel When you smile at me &br;I'll be floating on air &br;I'll be beaming with wonder &br;That's how the moon must feel.
英語版歌詞(サウンドトラック収録版)I know how the moon must feel &br;Looking down from the heavens &br;Smiling at the silly things &br;We put ourselves through &br;Missing magic each day &br;and not seeing the wonder &br;That's how the moon must feel &br;&br;I know how the moon must feel &br;Starry eyed and contented &br;Everything is beautiful &br;as it all should be &br;Far away from it all &br;Never meaning to hurry &br;That's how the moon must feel &br;&br;From up there our worries must seem very small &br;Maybe that is why he wears a smile &br;I'm sure he knows if there is more to life &br;I wish I could be him for a while &br;&br;I know how the moon must feel&br;Looking down from the heavens &br;Smiling at the silly things &br;We put ourselves through &br;Missing magic each day &br;and not seeing the wonder &br;That's how the moon must feel &br;&br;I'm sure he knows if there is more to life &br;I wish I could be him for a while &br;&br;I know how the moon must feel &br;and I can't say I blame him &br;Smiling at the silly things &br;We put ourselves through &br;Never taking the time &br;Always running in circles &br;That's how the moon must feel